Unit 42 Incident Response Plan Development and Review Benefits

  • Align your IR plan to your organizational goals. Utilize our security consulting expertise with boards and CISOs to develop an actionable Incident Response Plan tailored to your organizational structure, priorities, and risk tolerance.
  • Streamline IR processes with industry best practices. Using a methodology that integrates our frontline experience investigating advanced threats with guidance from leading security standards, you’ll develop incident response documentation and processes aligned with industry best practices.
  • Demonstrate compliance. Unit 42 can help your organization achieve compliance with incident response regulatory requirements or voluntary frameworks.

Unit 42 Incident Response Plan Development and Review Methodology

Unit 42 offers an elite team of incident response experts to help develop or refine an IR plan tailored to your organizational structure, priorities, and risk tolerance.

Figure 1: Unit 42 Incident Response Plan Development and Review Methodology

  • Align on scope of engagement: Participate in a scoping call between your stakeholders and Unit 42 to identify incident response goals to ensure alignment on project execution.
  • Review existing documentation: Our team will review existing incident response documentation, including incident response plans, playbooks, and governing policies.
  • Interview key stakeholders: Unit 42 will interview key stakeholders to ensure that documented procedures align with organizational needs and expectations.
  • Enhance existing or develop new documentation: We’ll enhance existing documentation or develop new incident response plans, playbooks, policies, procedures, and workflows based on lessons learned from responding to thousands of security incidents.
  • Gain buy-in with key stakeholders: Any developed documentation or processes will be socialized with stakeholders to ensure buy-in prior to formal implementation.
  • Continue to refine IR processes and documentation: Unit 42 can guide you on your annual IR plan review, refreshing and enhancing your incident response plan documentation.

About Unit 42

Unit 42® brings together our world-renowned threat researchers and hunters with an elite team of security consultants to create an intelligence-driven, response-ready organization. The Unit 42 Threat Intelligence team provides threat research that enables security teams to understand adversary intent and attribution while enhancing protections offered by our products and services to stop advanced attacks. As threats escalate, Unit 42 is available to advise customers on the latest risks, assess their readiness, and help them recover when the worst occurs. For the latest threat intel and research, please visit https://unit42.paloaltonetworks.com/.